Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Treble: The Button Quail (Childrens)

Treble the bird was a tiny bird
As tiny as a needle pin
Short by a poppy of three
Or below half a stem from two

Treble the bird was a fuzzy bird
Soft as a pillow and pedal
A crown of feathers to brush
And wings that whisper and hush

Treble the bird was the loudest bird
Crowed like a rooster in barns
Cawed like a raven would caw
Sharp as a whistle and more

Treble the bird was unlike many
For hatchlings grew from tiny eggs
Soon calling chicks to chickens
But not Treble, for he was neither

Treble the bird is a button quail
All grown up fitting your hand
Runs like rain and just as quiet
But be careful, he talks back

Yes, Treble talks back, but not like us
For after all he is a bird
Yet unlike other birds
You can understand Treble

So if ever you understand a quail
Listen to what he has to say
And talk back, because he might just be
Treble the bird

NOTE: Children's poetry typically follows a tetrameter.

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