Thursday, February 12, 2009

Click (English Sonnet)

Since the birth of the wire people have clicked
Upon buttons and buttons and buttons of
Remotes and phones, to D-pads and keyboards
Practicing technological skills aloof

Sooner though, expected in proper timing
The zombies whom the audience once were
Transform as lesser apes that do nothing
Interacting with words, without conflict

Spanning their wits in trivial puns
Feeling less and less real- pretentious
Of the attention span that once was
But now a mere glance to what moments were

Oh simple things these buttons simply be
Society confines itself willingly

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Summer Once... (Tanka)

There was a time when
We were once innocent too
When swimming was fun
And summer with you was clean
Why did to do that? You Cad!

When Meeting She (Pushkin Sonnet)

Treat the next lady to coffee
Ask her of her day and listen
Perhaps she may reveal coyly
Of what they think falsely of men

Pertaining to bad habits and
Good virtues we should reprimand
Thinking less of shallow statures
Provoking sad caricatures

That I myself may prevent too
When meeting another maiden
With class, skilled in speech and a pen
Telling words never meant then

So neither tomorrow could kill
The lonely heart the She would will

NOTE: Lower case schemes are feminine rhyme. Russian Sonnet.

Swine (Playwright)

(Scene: Jane opens the door and finds trash, bottles, and food containers littered everywhere in her apartment!)

What happened to my apartment!? There's trash everywhere! Oh my God, who did this?

(Enter DAN.)

Jane, you're home!

Dan! I should have known! I trusted you with my keys, and this is what you do: you break my stuff while you and your friends role play all day long. What do you have to say for yourself?

(Enter LANA, hiding behind a door, but peeking, with towel- naked.)

(coy): My lord, thy chambers hath gone cold.

(pretentious): Now Jane, you know how dedicated I am to my Live Action Role Playing. I never back down from a challenge.

It's over. We're breaking up.

A difficult challenge, but if you say so!

And you're paying for the damages.

There's a spell in RPG's for that. When you reenter the room, magically everything returns to normal again!

(Exit DAN. The girls wait. He never comes.)

He deserted me. We were to make love 'til the morning rise!

Please! You'll be faking it anyways!


The Girl (Terza Rima)

She is beautiful, such a youthful face
She is beautiful, so becoming
She is beautiful, with poise and grace

What a mystery, I heard her singing
What a mystery, I've watched her stroll
What a mystery, then she went missing

How I miss her, that untouched angel soul
How I miss her, of temptation's sultry
How I miss her, by wolves, spiders, and all

And I dream, perhaps serendipity
And I dream, we would meet by destiny

Bitterness (Terza Rima)

Killing life when death is absent, making
An hour trench slowly through a day
Repeating one's nihilism perverting

Shaking truth with steadfast pride away
Prying into scheming persistence
Nullifying what say "Come what may!"

Proving least of love's existence
And most of all that of God's presence

Crisis (Vers Libre)

Did you ever wake to such dissatisfaction
You'd cry
Without tears or
Without hate or
Without much else to hope against
That life seemed to never end
Immortally remorseful
Wishing for something real
To touch
To feel
Making differences
Even in secret
Though knowing well that
You may still be alone?

I did
I am
I don't know when it will end
If ever?

Red Flag (English Sonnet)

Reason is clouded by animosity
Defending pride through compensating prize
To lead popular ideals and cross them
As my word announced contracts an ill price

Sound the alarms and report all codes
Recruit bodies to battle on foreign worlds
Loading arsenal on their backs and wheels
Sending tear filled letters to their little girls

Soon after when time passes we lose
Though good for the generation after
But the wine we once savored has died
As scarlet poisoned the roots that matter

Reconciling with transgressions caught
Enstilling propeganda we once fought

Children's Tea (Dorsimbra)

But the only word to escape is 'please'
In remembrance of what once was before
Seeing that perfect quarter length smile
Sipping tea she didn't like that I implore

Tipping and drip from the brim of her lip
Drip. Drip-drip, Drip-drop--
And sugar and milk would follow as well
And stain!

Her mother did scold us for that little stain
Wishing it'd last, that childhood of ours
Her mother's glare would ask if she should stay
But the only word to escape is 'please'

Samurai (Choka)

Place her title brim
When you sheathe with laquer skin

Caressing the sheen
Of stained metal-rusting red

Singing this lullaby
Upon the black wood shelter

"Sacred tool of man,
Extend my intention's law

Slumbering daemon
Of worthy soul you will feast

Neither fool or child
Will dishonor your being

As bushido lives
The spirit of musashi

Enslaving evil
For the will of our god

AS a shogunate
Drawing blood for his country

Integrity speaks
As you swing in testament"

Caressing ill fate
By cleansing chaos with death

The art of murder until
I am of no need

Sunday (Dorsimbra)

Oh sunny day, how I love you so
You bring the best out of family and friend
I see smiles at peace and light hearted hands
Children at play and brethrens attend

Church and weddings
Picnics and Parties
Congregating with love
Watching football mayhem

Lounging at home knowing well of this day
Apart from any other from the week
As it is the first of everything
Oh sunny day, how I love you so

Fridays (Dorsimbra)

So much to do with such little time
Making up for events neglected before
Dreaming of this day, oh lovely day
Wishing you had come sooner than now, or—

Is this just that?
April first
Bragging my last kiss to myself
On Sunday brunch

To only miss more than I had ever
Paying a toll for living a day
What fun can justify my yearnings?
So much to do with such little time

Mondays (Dorsimbra)

I am already weary of today
As hopes come tomorrow, and I must wait
Lamenting of yester-thoughts once again
Challenging this monotony’s sad fate

I wake to sleep
And sleep to wake
Entertaining boredom
Withering away

It could be easier if I weren’t here
But circumstances cannot be helped, so—
I’m left to stay and challenge my time, though
I am already weary of today

Filipino- American Complex (Dorsimbra)

Denying their mistake of my becoming
To be raised in a foreign continent
I am removed from my culture, to
Manage this identity in lament

What do they expect
Of me, of this, and now
They blame my freedom
To justify their fate

And wish to live like it was before, once
Knowing their fellow man- vice and virtue
In recognition of their upbringing
Denying their mistake of my becoming

Tallest Tall (Childrens)

There once was a tall man here
Whose chin stuck high as the clouds
And feet low beneath the sea

His skin was light as snow
And hair which glossed in gold
Would shine above them all

Of whom he would not know
For they weren't found at all
As he was the tallest tall

Weather This Year: 2008 (Childrens)

In the summer
When it rains
The air is thick as water

Drizzle and drip
Spilling to splash
The sun won't come to bother

And just when you think
It all came to pass
More will come to smother

For in the winter
When it is cool
Snow will be arid clutter

For when this year came
The sky was confused

Treble: The Button Quail (Childrens)

Treble the bird was a tiny bird
As tiny as a needle pin
Short by a poppy of three
Or below half a stem from two

Treble the bird was a fuzzy bird
Soft as a pillow and pedal
A crown of feathers to brush
And wings that whisper and hush

Treble the bird was the loudest bird
Crowed like a rooster in barns
Cawed like a raven would caw
Sharp as a whistle and more

Treble the bird was unlike many
For hatchlings grew from tiny eggs
Soon calling chicks to chickens
But not Treble, for he was neither

Treble the bird is a button quail
All grown up fitting your hand
Runs like rain and just as quiet
But be careful, he talks back

Yes, Treble talks back, but not like us
For after all he is a bird
Yet unlike other birds
You can understand Treble

So if ever you understand a quail
Listen to what he has to say
And talk back, because he might just be
Treble the bird

NOTE: Children's poetry typically follows a tetrameter.

Beautiful Mona (English Sonnet)

Oh beautiful Mona, look at yourself
The world adores you, though nothing has been said
A view of your visage, a scent from your skin
The frock above your brow and my eyes mended

Will you ever speak to me, I am unworthy
As clear as moon beams to sunrise, I am
Compared to you, a wish is close enough
In a twinkle or blink you shine, Madame

May your youth claim eternity today
For summer will soon turn cold each morrow
And without you this solstice would be nothing
But another blue heart stained in sorrow

Oh beautiful Mona, you are so much
A marvel I, myself, could never touch

Discouraging In-Laws (Blank Verse)

You are cruel with that tongue
A weapon worse than beauty
For more than lies spread about
Unneeded strife and so much more

So what if I'm not macho
Or that I 'm Filipino
I speak my mind and
Can outwit especially you

Just because your daughter's hurt
Your insecure pride, you run
And torment me since you know
That I'll respect those she loves

Pity yourself ignorant whelp
There are hearts that need mending
And I'm not alone
You'll cry someday seeing your own

Sixty-Nine (Dorsimbra)

Exploding in milk, this upward frown
Flexing and whipping her lusty web
Allures me close to offer bread
As sweet as candy or love instead

She brushes my hair
Holds me close
We touch like fire
And ember blows

My breath burns deep within
Aside from wits, I'm sure to win
Kissing her lips before I drown
Exploding in milk, this upward frown

Confront Us (English Sonnet)

What words resound between your ears lady?
When your champagne glistens by my cup
Sparkling that twinkle tip setup
To soften your gasp in restrain, or--

Are you thinking of something before
Of moon beams crossing our hearts in two
Laced in memoir blue, encased to be free
Merely waiting for time to heal one clue

I reach for you, clasping that old regret
To hope that perhaps today you'd forget
There is a chance to try again Lenore
Just think about it, just you and me

Our eyes can retire from wedding bells
Yet why can't we think of anyone else?

Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Brother (English Sonnet)

Youth made sense when accompanied by mates
Though lonesome complex lessens one's esteem
Praying to God seemed natural to wish
For a brother by blood as mind to deem
Years gone passed in expectations since then
And a sibling have I to keep, but--
Challenges thwarted our loyalties
As mother's favoritism cut...
By influence without discipline
I was bound to baby this boy of age
Losing my individualism
Crushing my list of hopes in privilege
We are now in bondage to each other
Though still I wish freedom from you brother

New Years Resolution (English Sonnet)

Kick off your old shoes and try another
Fit them to your heel as they will contour
Practice and exercise can change your mind
As new footing in foreign grounds will assure
It may be tight- uncomfortable even
But take those first few steps and sign your name
To personalize these cold feet to fit
Making amends to your neglecting blame
And cherish those past familiarities
That helped your legs shake off the worst of them
Marking progress to your unknown potential
Pacing this lap for faster momentum
Until the day you understand its means
The ends may continue regretful scenes

Science of Colorblind (English Sonnet)

Take two colors and place them next to each
Vibrate with contrast, compliment by tints
Use red to green or yellow to blue hues
Changing in pigments by blinking in hints
Reversed through one retina perceiving
A handicap to both eyes managing
Placing recognition in standard swatch
Blends all the difference to their matching
Step outside or lounge indoors, go and see
For prisms don't allure the shades of night
And electronics can't mimic the sun
Deterring your confidence to trust sight
But lose not hope for the right eye's defect
In dark our vision light can reflect

My Mother (English Sonnet)

Cigarette would burn and pile useless soil
Granting the earth broken dreams to recon
In ash of grays delivering her son
As sick as he is, she continued on
They count to three of the mouths they would feed
Children for hopes, ones that remind them of
The life she hand and him that cared for her
Leaving the hell they'll never need to scoff
One day, worse than any other it changed
She worked harder so to wait much longer
For the spring that would come through forgiveness
Calling God, praying for patience on her
In hopes by faith that they would all just learn
The family whose hearts can someday return

My Dad (English Sonnet)

There was a man I never knew
Whose jests were sung and thought of much too
For years to come like proverbs referred
In days alone, he'd be wished back to
From memories of bliss that he'd return
To ride motored wheels and challenging life
Savor the ink, professing ideas
Hiding alias by phone, coy to wife
Many a mischief spread gossip afar
Testing his love and integrity reprise
Faltering by economical change
Replying with what his hands could enterprise
Leaving legacy to a now foreign place
Dreaming of tomorrow to see his child's face

Nostalgic Song (English Sonnet)

Oh shallow thought of cynical origins
You've demolished my sacred innocence
Replacing hopes and dreams of what could have been
Deterring confidence from my once known essence
But listen to that- that foreign sound
From where my heart beats in recollection
To what might have been familiar music
Resonating soft melodies of passion
Uplifting the soul to the blue beyond
With gospel wings away from worldly flings
The lost song we all once knew way back then
A euphoric mantra that 'til now sings
Please forget not myself, as I did you
Nostalgia so refreshing, though few...

Cafe D'Amour (English Sonnet)

Closing the store after hours of work
Tuckered from busing delivering to
"People, people," amongst them I am with
Dressed as I am, smelling that dark brown brew
I long for us to sit once again Miss
To kindle what was our chance to be
Hesitations before regret today
What you, if could, would have thought about me
Your scent allures the heat from my furnace
As a wish to taste you presence returns
I have chocolates to share between us
And petals for our romance to burn
Arriving to kettles sing, I peek in
Catching a sparkle as your smile within

Best Friends Suck (Epigram)

In the event that I might die you must take my old cab
Back to Chinatown with sixty dollars and pay my tab

Debt (Blank Verse)

Reach within and open the envelope
Ink stains a marker of success today
If not progress to further your own door
Resting tomorrow's fate to accountants

Cellphone (Vers Libre)

Ding ding ding!
The phone is ringing

Ching ching ching!
The phone is ringing

Bang bang bang!

The phone is ringing

I think I should answer that

Gift of God (Vers Libre)

Tell me I'm crazy
For discerning truth
'Cause while you were speaking
I could swear
I met God

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Snake Won't Bite, I Hope... (Curtal Sonnet)

There is no room for unopened green eyes
When legitimate sparkles shine for me
Those snakes will coil my day 'til their sun rise
Adjourning mine own with my tears as prize
Leeching from neck to brain, I will not see
As pride may trench upon my guise
Instead, I say, open my eyes- perhaps
To mend the heart's cynicism, and yours
Pending discouragements, dividing gaps
From which the good will birth within hours
To hope truce, perhaps...

Forgiving Phrases (Vers Libre)

It's of the loveliest day
I must admit
That love in trial
And in confusion
Will not
Change a cynical heart
For a stone cannot swim
And ice will never fly
Until God's hand reaches in
To form a miracle

Once, Life was Kind (English Sonnet)

As your sun may set in our west
Your east dawns the illuminating sky
From the entry of open doors
We dine in honest nicety-reply
Lending hands place the luncheon spoon to
The empty pocket of whom once had some
Though times may change the heart turns warm
In winter cold bringing, comes His kingdom
Upon open windows when there's no door
Hope's breath casts in singing the gracious song
For the sparing and kind give more in treat
To gleam a candle from match girl's who long
This is your life and theirs much so in part
Living it once; your sun- that golden heart

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Politics (Italian Quintain)

A trembling fear conspires against odds
Plotting in mention to unkind gossip
Consoling to one's trustworthy methods
Propelling insecurities to slip
'Til the day all are blind. (s)he smiles and nods...