Thursday, August 14, 2008

Journal Break 1

I've been frustrated with writing Sonnets, attempting to perfect the meter, stresses and unstressed syllables, trying to get the damn thing right! Thus far, I've been able to make pentameters properly, but why Sonnets have to be in pentameters, I do not know? I'm just taking notes from Shakespeare's old works and failing miserably, but optimistically learning to improve! I miscounted the amount of Quatrains, so I'm sure someone out there's going to laugh at my mistake because they probably aren't satisfied with themselves and will no doubt make me feel worse to embellish their pride. Bitterness... Next is to try iambs and trochees in the upcoming Sonnet, pray I do this right.

On a lighter note, I love Chokas! Choka is a 5-7 syllable two liner that goes on and on and on forever until a 5-7-7 syllable three liner comes about to end the poem. I love it so because it can tell a story and it doesn't stress too much about mathematical perfection. So simple and wondrous!
Sedokas and Mondos are an intrigue to me though, perhaps I'll attempt in more of those. But if I get tired of any of these meter-syllabic poems, I can always rely on Cinquains for a good Sunday brunch^^

Also, I gotta try Odes sometime! I feel that my story of Black Shade may benefit from it if I learn Odes and perhaps make it into an Epic. Oh an Epic! Wouldn't that be magnificent? I could only imagine, dream of such a creation! I have to do it, I have to! I've been failing in many other writing formats, and I have yet to try poetry. Oh this is going to be great! I want to make this happen, God please let this be destiny! I rue fate as it plays such irony in my life, so let my hands do as they were created to do - to build foundations and progress the life we live in this community we call mankind! Oh let it be, let it be, let it be! [Amen].

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